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Joe: August 12, 2002:

Harukana sorani chikae owaranai kibo-to-yu umi-wo

First of all, I need to thank some people; Razlo from Bizarre Uprising who picked up a sticker at Otakon and put up a link to us on his site, Kenotaphe (with his amazing dancing sig ;) ) who mentioned this site on the Dub This forums, and Glide who plugged us on the Bob and George forums. Thank you for your support ^_^ .

Second of all, I was given a demo of a game called "Skygunner" at Otakon by some random dude in the dealers room. After watching the opening movie, I was hooked! The game itself is a shooter (sorta like the Star Wars Rogue Squadron) but it has a really cool plot. Basically you play one of three "gunners" (fighter pilots) who protect the city of Rive (which looks like a typical post WW1 european city). There are 5 missions in the game, and depending on which gunner you choose to play your role in the mission is different. Sounds fairly par for the course, but the entire setup has a kind of childhood fantasy feel to it that I just can't resist (maybe it's the fact that everyone just kinda inconspicuously has a tail). Does anyone know if there's a art book or something for this game? I just can't get enough of this stuff. (I'm such a sucker for things like airships and pirates).

a News & Updates

Currently updated weekly every Monday.

August 12

  • Page 13 is up.
  • Links page is up along with some mini-banners if you want to link to us.

August 5

  • Page 12 is up
  • Character page has been updated

July 31

  • Page 11 is up.

July 29

  • Posted up some extra stuff to tide people over until the next page is finished.

July 22

  • Page 10 is up
  • New Rants are up

a a

Laura: August 12, 2002:

Woohoo! I'm back on track. Finally got an update in totally on time, and next week's page is fairly easy, so I think I can get working on getting ahead on my pages, and not be freaking out every Sunday like I have been.

Like Joe said, thanks to the people who have been linkng to our site, especially Bizarre Uprising who I think is the first site to add us to their links page. They picked up our sticker at Otakon, and consquently I have their flyer which was also among the boards and tables. Also we returned the favor and you can see their banner, as well as others on our links page, which I got up this week. And of course, we have a couple mini-banners that people are welcome to use to link to our site. I'm planning on doing some more when I have a chance.

Among my to-do list, is a re-designing of the RD page. While I'm not unhappy with the current design, I feel it could be improved upon. One suggestion so far, which I'll probably do, is to move the comic page closer to the top of the page, so you see more of it when it loads. I also want to make a more diverse and lighter color scheme. If you have any suggestions as to something you think might make the site better, or something you'd like to see added, or something you don't want me to change at all, I'd love to hear some thoughts. Just be kind, because I cry easily, and then you'll have that on your conscience, so there! And just don't ask me to do more pages a week. I'd love to really, but one page a week takes me 10+ hours a week (yes, I'm ashamed to admit it) and I have a lot of other stuff going on, like trying to have a life. I hope at some point in the future, I can improve my skills to the point where I can update more, but for now, this is it. Actually, I am getting the hang of it. This week's page, I tried something a little different. I shaded some with the pencil and simplified the gray tones. Even though it's a bit rough looking, I like the result a lot, and I think this might be the road to the style I want to develop. That and it saves me some time. Well, I've gone on enough for now. Enjoy the page, and see you next week.

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All content unless otherwise specified is Copyright © 2002 Joe Lee and Laura Galiffe of the Bonsai Mecha Factory. All rights reserved. If you violate our copyright or piss us off, we'll send Hinoki after you!